Notice & Comment

AALS Journal of Legal Education Symposium on Legislation and Regulation in 1L Curriculum

Last week the Journal of Legal Education, which is the official legal pedagogy journal of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS), published a terrific symposium issue on legislation and regulation in the first-year law school curriculum. It’s great to see the issue in print. You can access the full version for free here.

The live symposium was held at the AALS Annual Meeting in January, and the discussion and empirical findings were just fascinating. It’s a fun read for law school curriculum nerds as well as probably a must-read for those interested in teaching legislation and/or regulation.

Here’s the list of contributions to the symposium (with hyperlinks to each essay and author):

Legislation and Regulation in the Core Curriculum: A Virtue or a Necessity?
James J. Brudney (Fordham)

Lessons from the Turn of the Twentieth Century for First-Year Courses on Legislation and Regulation
Kevin M. Stack (Vanderbilt)

Legislation & Regulation and Reform of the First Year
John F. Manning & Matthew Stephenson (Harvard)

A Program in Legislation
Dakota S. Rudesill, Christopher J. Walker & Daniel P. Tokaji (Ohio State)

Making Sausage: What, Why and How to Teach about Legislative Process in a Legislation or Leg-Reg Course
Deborah A. Widiss (Indiana)

The Ripple Effect of “Leg-Reg ” on the Study of Legislation and Adminstrative Law in the Law School Curriculum
Abbe R. Gluck (Yale)

As the line-up reflects, my colleagues Dakota Rudesill and Dan Tokaji (and I) contributed to the symposium, focusing on how law schools should embrace a comprehensive legislation curriculum with upper-level experiential-learning courses and discussing our law school’s development of such a curriculum over the last two decades.


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