ABA AdLaw Section Webinar 7/9 at Noon: Recent Separation of Powers Challenges at the Supreme Court
From the ABA Section on Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice:

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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and Puerto Rico’s Financial Oversight and Management Board: Recent Separation of Powers Challenges at the Supreme Court July 9, 2020 | 12 – 1:30 pm |
The Supreme Court heard several structural constitutional law challenges this term. These include challenges to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (established with a single director who is protected from removal except for cause) and to the Financial Oversight and Management Board (created to address Puerto Rico’s financial crisis and whose members are selected by the President without Senate confirmation). The panel will address the decisions in these cases as well as some larger issues surrounding them. All panel members participated in the litigation, as amici or representing parties. Panelists: Ginger D. Anders, Partner, Munger, Tolles & Olson Gillian Metzger,Harlan Fiske Stone Professor of Constitutional Law, Columbia Law School Michael W. McConnell, Richard and Frances Mallery Professor of Law, Stanford Law School Christina D. Ponsa-Kraus,George Welwood Murray, Professor of Legal History, Columbia Law School Moderator:Anne Joseph O’Connell, Adelbert H. Sweet Professor of Law,Stanford Law School NO CLE Credit is available for this complimentary program. REGISTER: https://americanbar.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_CPP27dzYQ9y7Ewfq6n5GYA Advance Registration required and space is limited. Email questions or special needs to anne.kiefer@americanbar.org |