An Event on OIRA and Regulatory Budgets, and Sustainable Reforms: May 17 in Washington
OIRA is, of course, very much in the news lately. What great timing, because the American Enterprise Institute will host a conference this week on the last few years’ developments—the Trump Administration’s approach to regulatory budgeting, and the Biden Administration’s newer and broader reforms.
It will be the afternoon of Wednesday, May 17. Full details, including links for RSVPs and the livestream, are available on the AEI website. The conference was organized by my AEI colleague (and former ABA Administrative Law Section Chair), Jeffrey Rosen.

The afternoon will begin with former EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler, who now leads Virginia’s version of OIRA. And it will end with Sen. James Lankford, discussing regulatory budgets and other reforms.
In between, we’ll have a panel on regulatory budgets, with three leading experts; and a panel on the Biden Administration’s reforms, with recent OIRA Administrators.
I’m particularly (and provincially) excited for the regulatory budgets panel, because it centers around new papers in a Gray Center symposium, published recently in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy‘s online supplement, “Per Curiam.”
The day’s schedule is below. Full details, with RSVP and livestream links, are on AEI’s event page.
Adam White is a senior fellow at AEI and co-director of the C. Boyden Gray Center for the Study of the Administrative State.
May 17: Regulating the Regulators: The Recent Past and Future
Washington, D.C.: The American Enterprise Institute
1:15 p.m. — Opening Conversation: Managing State and Federal Regulation
- Andrew Wheeler, Virginia Office of Regulatory Management
- Adam White, AEI
1:55 p.m — Panel I: The Past and Future of Regulatory Budgets to Manage Regulation
- Dan Bosch, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
- James Broughel, Competitive Enterprise Institute
- Anthony Campau, Clark Hill Public Strategies
- Moderator: Jeffrey A. Rosen, AEI
3:20 p.m. — Panel II: Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, the Biden Administration, and the Tools for Regulatory Reform
- Boris Bershteyn, Skadden
- Susan Dudley, George Washington Regulatory Studies Center
- Paul Ray, Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies
- Moderator: Adam White, AEI & Gray Center
4:45 p.m. — Closing Conversation: Making Successful Regulatory Policies Permanent
- James Lankford, US Senator (R-OK)
- Jeffrey A. Rosen, AEI
5:15 p.m. — Adjournment