Notice & Comment

Announcement: Volume 33, Issue 2 & Yale Law School Legal Scholarship Repository

The Yale Journal on Regulation is pleased to announce the final publication of Volume 33, Issue 2. The articles published in this Issue are all available on our website and can be accessed here.


We’d also like to announce our partnership with the Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale Law School to make all previous issues of the Yale Journal on Regulation available on the Yale Law School Legal Scholarship Repository. We’re excited to join many of our peer journals in making our scholarship accessible to a wider audience. The repository boasts a collection of nearly 9,000 papers and readers from around the world have accessed – and downloaded scholarship from – the repository over 6 million times. It contains not just scholarship from Yale Law School journals, but also faculty and student scholarship as well as other special collections. You can access the homepage of the repository here.


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