Notice & Comment

Hot Off the Press: ABA’s Developments in Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice 2016 Edition

2016 devsEach year the American Bar Association’s Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice publishes Developments in Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice. The print version of the book covers developments in agency adjudication, constitutional law and separation of powers, judicial review, and rulemaking. Additional chapters are included in the e-book version.

Although I am not an unbiased source (ACUS Vice Chair Matt Wiener and I coauthor the chapter on agency adjudication), I find this book to be super helpful in recapping the prior year. The 2016 version was just published. The great news is that if you’re a member of the ABA AdLaw Section, the hard copy is only $15.00 (list price is $59.95), and the expanded e-book is free.

So if you’re not an ABA AdLaw Section member yet, definitely join us. Membership is only $60 per year. I explained how and why to join the ABA AdLaw Section in more detail here, and the benefits include:

As a Section member, you receive the quarterly Administrative & Regulatory Law News (ARLN) magazine, the quarterly Administrative Law Review (ALR), and online access to the annual Developments in Administrative Law compendium. You also receive deep discounts on the Section’s main CLE programs, including the must-attend annual Administrative Law Conference, the Lobbying Institute, and the Homeland Security Law Institute, as well as discounts on the ABA Section’s various publications. As a Section member, you can become more engaged in the dozens of committees the Section facilitates.


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