March 3, 2023, ABA Administrative Law Section Webinar: ChatGPT: Risks and Opportunity for Public Comments in Rulemaking

Join us for a free webinar sponsored by the ABA Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice on the impact of ChatGPT and other A.I. technologies on public comments in rulemaking on Friday, March 3, 2023, 12:00-1:30 pm Eastern Time via Zoom.
Register for free here.
Program Description
ChatGPT and other technologies using large language models have made their way to the front page, delighting and frightening us with their ability to generate sophisticated content. While the risk of computer-generated comments obfuscating the public voice and creating overwhelming comment volumes has been a simmering issue for years, these new technologies present a whole new set of challenges and opportunities for the notice and comment process. On the one hand they make form letters and other organized campaigns harder to identify, on the other they can help stakeholders put their ideas forward in ways that may be receive a better hearing. This webinar assembles a panel of experts to discuss the potential impacts of this new wave of A.I. technologies on rulemaking.
Reeve Bull, Deputy Director, Virginia Office of Regulatory Management
Bridget Dooling, Research Professor, GW Regulatory Studies Center
Sabrina Jawed, Manager, Space Regulations and Standards Branch, Federal Aviation Administration
Connor Raso, Senior Associate General Counsel, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
Dhiren Patel, President, DocketScope, Inc. (Moderator)