Notice & Comment

Author: Richard Pierce

Notice & Comment

Flip Flopping by the Solicitor General, by Richard J. Pierce, Jr.

Many people, including Supreme Court Justices, have expressed concern about flip flopping by the Solicitor General (SG), i.e., arguing in support of a position that is inconsistent with the position that the government took in the past. In The Solicitor General, Consistency and Credibility, forthcoming in the Notre Dame Law Review, Professors Margaret Lemos and […]

Notice & Comment

FTC Commissioner Wilson’s Noisy Resignation

FTC Commissioner Christine Wilson, the only Republican member of the FTC, announced her resignation from the FTC this week. She explained her decision to resign in an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal. She accused FTC Chair Lina Khan and her Democrat colleagues of unethical, illegal, and unconstitutional conduct. This is the most significant resignation […]

Notice & Comment

The Strange Case of United States v. Google

Before he was appointed as Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust, Jonathan Kanter spent over a decade in private practice arguing on behalf of his clients that Google was violating antitrust law in many ways. That history was part of the basis for a year-long Justice Department (DOJ) investigation to determine whether Kanter is too biased […]

Notice & Comment

The Shadow Docket: More Steps In The Right Direction

I have been harshly critical of the Supreme Court’s “shadow docket”—orders that stay major government actions without considering briefs on the issues raised by the motion for stay or providing any reasons for the action taken.[1] Unlike some critics of the shadow docket, my criticism is purely procedural. The Court has repeatedly held that an agency […]

Notice & Comment

Standing Law Is Inconsistent and Incoherent

Several scholars that I respect urged me to look at the Supreme Court’s most recent standing decisions to decide whether I agree with their belief that they signal a major change in the way the Court decides standing cases. This essay summarizes the results of my review of those decisions. I have long considered standing […]

Notice & Comment

Biden v. Texas Is a Step in the Right Direction

In its August 24 order in Biden v. Texas, the Supreme Court upheld a Fifth Circuit decision that refused to stay the preliminary injunction that a district court had issued that prohibited the Biden administration from rescinding the “stay in Mexico” policy that the Trump administration had implemented. I dislike the Court’s decision in the […]

Notice & Comment

Unsolicited Advice for FTC Chair Khan

New FTC Chair Lina Khan has not sought my advice, but here it is. In his July 9 Executive Order, President Biden described an antitrust agenda that he wants the FTC and the other agencies with antitrust responsibilities to implement. His agenda consists of 72 major changes in competition law. Any agency that attempts to […]

Notice & Comment

President Biden’s Antitrust Agenda

On July 9, President Biden issued an executive order in which he described a comprehensive 72-part agenda to improve competition in the United States. Some of his proposals suggest that he supports the plans for radical changes in antitrust law that FTC Chair Khan proposed at her first FTC meeting on July 1. I have […]

Notice & Comment

Three Ways To Address Midnight Rules

The “midnight rules” phenomenon is well known and well-studied. Every presidential administration issues a disproportionately large number of rules in its final year. Midnight rules issued by the Trump administration present unusual challenges for the Biden administration, however. Virtually all of the hundreds of midnight rules issued by the Trump administration announce and implement policies […]