Notice & Comment

AALS New Voices in Administrative Law Call for Proposals and Reviewers

From Professor Lou Virelli:

The AALS Administrative Law Section is pleased to announce its “New Voices in Administrative Law” program for the 2018 AALS Annual Meeting in San Diego. The New Voices program is designed to give junior administrative law scholars an opportunity to discuss their work with their more senior colleagues in an informal environment. The goal is for junior scholars to receive useful feedback on their work from more senior reviewers in advance of submitting the work for publication. Junior scholars must be full-time faculty members at AALS member schools to participate. Papers that have been posted on scholarship networks such as SSRN, but not yet published, are eligible for consideration.

Each participating junior scholar will be assigned two designated reviewers. The reviewers are senior administrative law scholars who are expected to have read the junior scholar’s paper in advance and to be prepared to discuss it and offer constructive comments during the program. The program is typically held in a conference room with each junior scholar and their assigned reviewers seated together at their own table. Anyone else who is interested in participating in one of the discussions is welcome to join. The 2018 New Voices program is scheduled from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. on Thursday, January 4, 2018.


All untenured, full-time law professors are eligible to participate as junior scholars. To be considered for participation in the program, please send an email to Professor Lou Virelli, Chair- Elect of the AALS Administrative Law Section, at by Friday, December 1, 2017. In your email, please include the title of your paper and attach an abstract or working draft. Please also include in the email your school, tenure status, and years in the position, along with any prior legal academic positions and whether you have participated in the New Voices program in the past.

If your paper is selected for participation in the program, a draft must be submitted by email to the above address no later than Friday, December 22, 2017. This deadline is important to provide the designated reviewers ample time to read their assigned drafts in advance of the program. The draft submitted at that time does not need to be completely polished and ready for law review submission; reviewers welcome papers in earlier stages when the author can most benefit from feedback about the project.


If you are interested in serving as a reviewer this year, please email Lou Virelli at at your earliest convenience.

Please be aware that selected participants and commentators are responsible for their own travel expenses to the AALS Annual Meeting, including the AALS registration fee. Any inquiries about the New Voices in Administrative Law Program should be submitted to Professor Lou Virelli at

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