Notice & Comment

Call for Nominations: AALS Administrative Law Section Emerging Scholar Award

From Kathryn Kovacs:

In January, the AALS Administrative Law Section presented Joy Milligan its first Emerging Scholar Award. Nominations for this year’s award are due on September 30, 2021. Self-nominations are welcome! Fulltime faculty members without tenure at the time of the work’s publication, including those with fellowships, visiting assistant professorships, or similar positions, are eligible. To nominate someone, please send an anonymized version of their work to me, Kati Kovacs, at by September 30, 2021. (Any reasonable effort to strip identifying information is fine. I will pass along nominations to the selection committee, adding another layer of anonymity.) The work may be on any topic related to administrative law, although the award selection committee may favor works with greater general applicability. Any substantial scholarly work—whether a law review article, monograph, or chapter—published between September 1, 2020, and August 30, 2021, is eligible. We will present the award at the AALS Annual Meeting in January. Please direct any questions to me.

Editorial Note: If agency officials and practitioners have any recommendations, I bet the AALS committee would love to consider those too!

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