Notice & Comment

D.C. Circuit Review – Reviewed: Come One, Come All to a Battle Royale

The D.C. Circuit didn’t decide any cases this week, plus I’m traveling, so this will be a quick post.

There is a lot of big talk here at Notice & Comment about which federal appellate court is the nation’s true “Admin Law” court. Is it the Ninth Circuit? What about the Federal Circuit? Or is the conventional wisdom correct that the D.C. Circuit wears the title belt? Well, the time for blog posts is over. This year, at the annual American Bar Association Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice’s Conference, I will moderate a panel of circuit judges from the Ninth Circuit, Federal Circuit, and D.C. Circuit.* The topic? “How Administrative Law Differs Across the U.S. Courts of Appeals: Perspectives from Circuit Court Judges.”

In truth, we probably won’t learn which court is the champion. Instead, I expect a polite discussion comparing and contrasting how different circuits approach complex issues. But it should be fun. And I expect to learn a lot.

If you want to come, register for the conference. The panel of circuit judges will be on November 15 at 1:15. And there are many other fascinating panels to check out as well:

* The Fifth Circuit also has a claim to the title.

D.C. Circuit Review – Reviewed is designed to help you keep track of the nation’s “second most important court” in just five minutes a week.

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