Notice & Comment

D.C. Circuit Review – Reviewed: Version 2.0

Tomorrow is the first day of the D.C. Circuit’s new term. And today is the first day of Version 2.0 of D.C. Circuit Review – Reviewed, your weekly source of information on the nation’s “second most important court.”

Between 2015 and 2020, I closely tracked the D.C. Circuit’s cases.* Over time, I learned the patterns; opinions are announced Tuesdays and Fridays; the Court begins hearing argument in September and stops in May and issues a lot of opinions over the summer; and every once in a while — but not too often — the Court sits en banc. I also got a sense of each of the judges and the types of cases of cases that the Court decides.

And then I stopped. Candidly, I ran out of ideas for weekly posts and other projects popped up. Hence, for the last year, I’ve put D.C. Circuit ReviewReviewed aside.

No longer. D.C. Circuit Review – Reviewed is back, and it should be much better. Why? Because it is now a team project. And my teammates are remarkable. Here’s the line-up:

  • Aimee Brown: Aimee is a litigator at Paul Weiss who clerked for Judge Thomas Griffith of the D.C. Circuit and then Justices Kennedy and Alito. She also served in the Department of Justice. Aimee has argued — and won! — big cases and is an expert on the separation of powers.
  • Seth Davis: Seth is a law professor at Berkley Law who clerked for Judge Douglas Ginsburg of the D.C. Circuit. Aside from being an expert on administrative law, Seth is a leading scholar of Federal Indian Law. Particularly important for D.C. Circuit commentary, he also studies Article III standing.
  • (The Honorable) Thomas Griffith: Judge Griffith knows as much as anyone alive about the D.C. Circuit because he served on the Court from 2005 to 2020 (here is a list of his dissents). He now practices at Hunton Andrews Kurth. He served as Senate Legal Counsel (the chief legal officer of the Senate) and General Counsel of Brigham Young University and was recently appointed to the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States.
  • Hyland Hunt: Hyland is a founding partner of Deutsch Hunt where she specializes in complex appeals. She clerked for Judge Ginsburg and then Justice Stevens. And before going to law school, she served as an intelligence officer in the U.S. Air Force. Hyland is an expert in, well, everything, but she has special expertise in healthcare law.
  • Haley Proctor: Haley is a litigator at Cooper & Kirk who clerked for Judge Griffith and Justice Thomas. She is a formidable administrative lawyer and commercial litigator, and — of particular relevance here — has experience litigating constitutional issues, including due process challenges to regulatory programs.

Candidly, I’m excited to learn from this group.

Going forward, the format of our posts will largely be the same as before: We will provide weekly commentary on the D.C. Circuit’s cases. But with a larger team, we’ll also be able to mix things up and try new things. Welcome to D.C. Circuit Review – Reviewed 2.0.

* Here are 1,226 pages to prove it.

D.C. Circuit Review – Reviewed is designed to help you keep track of the nation’s “second most important court” in just five minutes a week.

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