Honoring the ABA Administrative Law Section’s Newest Senior Fellows: Professors Renée Landers and Ron Levin

The ABA’s Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice has a long and storied history. The Section predates the enactment of the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 (APA), though back when it was first chaired by Louis Caldwell in 1933 it was called the Special Committee on Administrative Law. Indeed, the Section played a critical role in the APA’s development and enactment. And it has continued to influence the direction of administrative law and regulatory practice ever since.
Over the decades, the luminaries of administrative law and regulatory practice have been involved in the Section in various capacities—as leaders, speakers, volunteers, and members. To recognize exceptional achievement and service, the Section has instituted numerous awards. But the Section’s highest honor is designation as a Senior Fellow. The Section has recognized only twenty Senior Fellows since the creation of this award in 1998.
Here is the list in alphabetical order (* indicates they who are deceased):
- The Honorable Stephen G. Breyer
- Professor Clark Byse*
- Professor Milton M. Carrow*
- The Honorable Richard D. Cudahy*
- Professor Kenneth Culp Davis*
- The Honorable Neil Eisner
- The Honorable Russell Frisby Jr.
- The Honorable Merrick B. Garland
- The Honorable Sally Katzen
- Professor Renée Landers
- Professor Ron Levin
- Professor Nathaniel L. Nathanson*
- The Honorable A. Raymond Randolph
- The Honorable William H. Rehnquist*
- Professor Victor Rosenblum*
- The Honorable Antonin Scalia*
- The Honorable Cass R. Sunstein
- The Honorable Paul R. Verkuil
- The Honorable Patricia M. Wald*
- The Honorable Stephen F. Williams*
At the Section’s annual membership meeting in August 2021 as one of my last official acts as Section Chair, we inducted two new members into the Senior Fellow ranks: Professors Renée Landers and Ron Levin. Both have left an indelible imprint on the Section and the field of administrative law.
Extended profiles on both were published in the Winter 2022 issue of Administrative & Regulatory Law News, and reprinted here (for Renée Landers) and here (for Ron Levin).