July 9th ACUS Webinar: Artificial Intelligence and Administrative Law Doctrines: Challenges and Opportunities

The Administrative Conference of the United States and the Georgetown Law Institute for Technology Law and Policy are pleased to announce the second panel in their virtual symposium on artificial intelligence in federal agencies.
This session will take place on Thursday, July 9 from 2:00 pm – 3:15 pm ET. Georgetown Law professor and ACUS Senior Fellow David Vladeck will moderate a panel on the interplay of federal agencies’ use of AI and core administrative law and constitutional doctrines.
Panelists are:
- Cary Coglianese, Edward B. Shils Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania Law School
- Deirdre Mulligan, Associate Professor, University of California Berkeley School of Information
- Arti Rai, Elvin R. Latty Professor of Law, Duke University School of Law
Please register for this virtual event at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6196744587906128395. You will receive a confirmation email once registered.
The first panel, authors of a report on AI commissioned by ACUS, discussed the research leading to the publication of Government by Algorithm: Artificial Intelligence in Federal Administrative Agencies. Other panel discussions later this summer will explore:
- Artificial Intelligence “In the Trenches”: A View from Inside the Agencies
- Bias and Government Artificial Intelligence
Dates and details will be announced soon on ACUS’s symposium webpage.