Notice & Comment

On Ricky Revesz’s Nomination to Head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs

On Thursday, the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (HSGAC) will hold its confirmation hearing on the nomination of NYU Law Professor Ricky Revesz to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs — a position which is been dubbed the President’s “regulatory czar.” Over at E&E News today, Jean Chemnick has a nice profile of Professor Revesz and his nomination.

Professor Revesz is no stranger to the blog, as we hosted a symposium on his important coauthored book Reviving Rationality: Saving Cost-Benefit Analysis for the Sake of the Environment and Our Health. Based on his credentials, expertise, and reputation, it is not at all a surprise that he has received bipartisan support in the field, including a letter of support from former OIRA Administrators from both Democratic and Republican Administrations.

Earlier this week, an ideologically diverse group of scholars and leaders in the field of administrative law and regulatory practice submitted to HSGAC a letter in support of Revesz’s nomination. This was an easy letter for me to join. You can download the letter here, and here is the text of the letter:

We write in enthusiastic support of the nomination of Richard (Ricky) Revesz as Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). As legal academics, practitioners, and former government officials of both parties in diverse fields, including public policy, administrative law, and environmental law, we urge his swift, bipartisan confirmation.

Ricky has an exemplary record as an advocate for effective regulatory policies. Ricky’s academic and public policy accomplishments are legion: dean of New York University School of Law, leading scholar and teacher, director of the American Law Institute, and founder and director of the nonpartisan Institute for Policy Integrity, which “uses economics and law to support sound policies for the environment, public health, and consumers.”

In all these roles, Ricky has been a leading voice for sound and effective law and regulatory policy. He has also demonstrated an extraordinary ability to work with people of diverse opinions. His intelligence and integrity are legendary among all of us who have worked with him.

We have different political and policy views, and we do not always agree with him, or one another, on every issue. But we all have the utmost respect for Ricky’s wisdom, energy, and intelligence. We believe that he will make outstanding contributions at OIRA and we urge his prompt confirmation on a bipartisan basis.

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