Notice & Comment

St. John’s Law Review Symposium CFP (9/2 deadline): West Virginia v. EPA and the Future of the Administrative State

On October 9, 2023, the St. John’s Law Review will be hosting a symposium on West Virginia v. EPA and the future of the administrative state. Lots of people are writing on the major questions doctrine, and this symposium looks like a great way to showcase that work (they only want 1,000 to 7,000 word essays), extend on it, or preview other arguments and considerations that should be taken into account.

Here are the details from the call for papers:

St. John’s University Law Review is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for our upcoming symposium on the Supreme Court’s recent decision in West Virginia v. EPA. The symposium will bring together a diverse group of legal scholars and academics to discuss the past, present, and future of the administrative state, and the increasingly involved relationship between the federal judiciary and our nation’s myriad administrations.

The Law Review is excited to participate in a discussion about an evolving and emergent area of federal jurisprudence. We hope to host an event that will be useful for students, practitioners, and academics venturing into the increasingly foggy future of administrative law. We also hope to engage with scholarship which seeks to evaluate the Major Questions Doctrine itself. Therefore, papers or proposals which either (1) evaluate the future of the judiciary and the administrative state; or (2) offer an evaluation of the jurisprudential value of the holding in West Virginia v. EPA will be considered.

Submission Guidelines: Previously written papers not yet published regarding the topic of West Virginia v. EPA will be considered. Proposals of 500 to 750 words should be sent as an e-mail file attachment in MS Word to Jack Bilbrough at by September 2. Each proposal should be accompanied by contact information and a brief bio. Full drafts of articles, between 1000 and 7000 words, will be due by October 9th. Accepted articles will be published during the spring of 2024 in Volume 97, Issue 4 of the St. John’s Law Review.

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