Webinar on Phillip Wallach’s New Book Why Congress, 2/6 2PM
From the Federalist Society’s website:

In his recent book Why Congress, Dr. Phillip Wallach covers the past, present, and future of the Legislative branch to help measure its modern level of dysfunction and offer suggestions for future restoration. The book traces how Congress was designed to operate, how it has met the challenges of decades past, and the trends that have contributed to increased polarization and decreased power. Having established how we got where we are, Dr. Wallach articulates three potential paths forward for Congress: continued dysfunction, increased power for the Executive branch, or a revival of the forms that ensured it will function as designed in the past.
Join the author and our panel of guest experts for an enlightening discussion!
- Prof. Bridget Dooling, Assistant Professor of Law, The Ohio State University – Moritz College of Law
- Prof. Christopher J. Walker, Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School
- Dr. Philip A. Wallach, Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
- (Moderator) Mr. Joel S. Nolette, Associate, Wiley Rein LLP
I’m very much looking forward to participating in this webinar and chatting more about Wallach’s new book and larger vision for Congress. Registration is here.